Face ID

 Face ID ,started by Apple's iPhone X , is a new sensation among maximum smartphone companies now a days.
The question to you is , Have you ever use this feature ? if yes , be sure to tell us what model do you use in the comment box , and yes any problem with the feature or  any thing regarding this will be pleasure to hear from you.
By other way , do you ever think , how does it works !!
well , welcome to on e  , here we are discussing about How a Face ID actually read Instantly your face and allow you to the device .

Well , Basically Face ID is a biometric configuration like the fingerprint ID , which is hard to duplicate , so it describes a better quality of security to our device. 
* if you do not yet know , how the fingerprint ID works , click here for the best explanation.*
 so In one word , it is simply consist of modules , they are mapping and reading your face  images to unlock. But the thing is that , How they are mapping a 3D structure of a face and at any instant , how they unlock it in a fraction of second !
so here we go ,
the total system consists of  4 sensors. 

  • Dot Projector
  • Infrared camera
  • flood illuminator
  • proximity sensor

Lets understand their work.
Dot projector 
The sensor module consists of 30,000 dot projector to project those in to our face. it cannot seen in naked eye as it is IR (infrared) rays. again it maps(in 3D) the area and the depth of the face.
Infrared camera
The sensor module simply captures and verify your images  in the DOT pattern projected by the DOT projector. it also captures the IR light , a signature of heat that is reflected back from your face.
Flood illuminator
It is a infrared light , art of the electromagnetic spectrum that's invisible to naked eye , to illuminates your face.
Proximity sensor
It defines how much illumination is needed for your face at the time of recognition of your face.

They are all stored in the secure area of the processor that is used in the device
The system learns from the user , how the face is changing over time to time. and for the goodness ,it can detect you from every a=make up , wit your bold , stylish sunglass , hats , or in the beard .
but the system does not work when your eyes are closed.
So here is a question , that how do it learn from us !
Actually the process of face recognition takes place in two different phases , the phase , where it collect data of your face for registration , and the time hen it verify the face with the reserved data.
So it simply compare the data and score them from 0 to 1. when it is closer to 1 , then it allow the user to the device , and though it is closer , and not the actual 1 , it started learns the rest thing , for which it did not get 1. thus in the manner , it learns from the user , whenever he / she verify their face. 
when it scores the face closer to 0 or a actual 0 , then it don't permit the user to access the device.
That is all about the Face ID sensor.
There are another types of face ID now a days , some are also use the simple 2D images to detect your face , they does not use a proximity sensor or any infrared sensors , they just clicks pictures of your face from different angles and then verify it by the map they have created when capturing images  , but they can easily be fooled and they are not buy worthy. but the 3D mechanism has a premium in its version. therefore Good to buy.
 You are amazing 
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